Workshop for the Initiation of Viewpoint Technique

For students of Ceilândia High School Center 04.
Place: CEM 04 of Ceilândia.
Date: 09/12/16

Workshop for the Initiation of Viewpoint Technique

For students of Centro Educacional 02 de Sobradinho.
Location: Centro Educacional 02 de Sobradinho.
Date: 09/12/16


For students of Centro Educacional 01 do Cruzeiro.
Location: Centro Educacional 01 do Cruzeiro.
Date: 09/16/16

XX National Art Students Meeting (ENEARTE)

Workshop for the Initiation of Viewpoint Technique.
Location: CEN-UnB.
Date: 10/25/16

61º Exhibit Cometa Cenas of CEN-UnB

Workshop for the Initiation of Viewpoint Technique.
Location: CEN-UnB.
Date: 28th and 30th of June 2016

ATHE2016 Chicago Conference: Bodies at Work: Performance, Labor & ATHE @30

Presentation of the work “Anthropophagic Practices in Devised Theatre: a Demonstration”.
Location: Chicago, IL, USA.
Date: 08/14/16
Support: FAC-DF, FAP-DF, UnB and Campelo Bezerra Adv.

22nd UnB Scientific Initiation Congress and 13th Scientific Initiation Congress of the Federal District

Presentation of the following Scientific Initiation Project results:
- Logbook as an Individual Actor's Tool in Collective Creation. 2016.
Author: Alexandre da Silva Batista. Work nominated for the Outstanding IC Award.
- Systematized Organization and Registration of Creative Exercises in Collective. 2016.
Author: Jorge Renan Mendes Marinho. Work nominated for the IC Highlight Award.
Place: Darcy Ribeiro Campus, University of Brasília.
Date: 10/24/16

Laboratório Criação em Coletivo para a Cena
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro (UnB), Brasília - DF
Copyright © Coletiva Teatro. Todos os direitos reservados.