Nitza Tenenblat is an artist, theatre director and researcher with an emphasis on theatre directing praxis, acting and collective creation. With over twenty years of professional theatre experience her shows have been performed in Brasil, United States, England, Romania and Greece. She holds an MA from Royal Holloway University of London and a PhD from the University of California at Davis.
Alongside Sandra Regina Gonçalves and Flavia Ibiapina Nitza Tenenblat co-founded Cia Zohar, where she directed In Natura (2001), Paralelo 15 (2004, Regional Award Caravana from the National Foundation of the Arts) and 5 X David Ives (2005).
Since 2011 she teaches at the Theatre Arts Department and Graduate Program of the University of Brasília (UnB). She leads the research group Criação em Coletivo para a Cena and is a member of Coletiva Teatro. In the group’s lab and residency at the University, she acts as group coordinator and theatre director. Recent productions include The Love I Live In (2018), Uma Sonata Familiar (2018) co-directed with Michael Rau, Moonlight Tales (2019) and the poetic pill Há Mar em Seus Abraços (2020) in collaboration with Glauco Maciel.