Date: February 2020 (available online)
Link: Rehearsing Macbeth (Youtube)
Conception and Direction: Jorge Marinho
Cast: Nitza Tenenblat, Nei Cirqueira, Jorge Marinho, Pedro Lopes and Mariana Borges
Filming and Editing: Jorge Marinho

Season 1 of Children's Stories on Youtube

Audiovisual Poetic Pill: Há Mar em Seus Abraços (There is Sea in Your Embrace)

Date: August 2020 (available online)
Link: Há Mar em Seus Abraços (There is Sea in Your Embrace - Youtube)
Conceived and Directed by: Coletiva Teatro
Ambisonic Soundscape Production: Glauco Maciel
Voice Over and Text: Nitza Tenenblat
Foleys: Cristina Maciel, Nitza Tenenblat and Glauco Maciel

Article Publication by Nitza Tenenblat

TENENBLAT, N. Portas Poéticas: espaço para a imprevisibilidade poética em cena. Urdimento - Revista De Estudos Em Artes Cênicas, v.2, No. 38, p. 1-30, 2020.

Festival Literário Histórias na Sua Casa (Literary Festival Stories in Your Home)

Jorge Marinho - Guest Actor and Storyteller.
Youtube Channel of the Instituto Latinoamerica: O Peixe Mágico (The Magic Fish) and A Senhorinha e a Abóbora Rolante (The Little Lady and the Rolling Pumpkin)
Realization by Instituto Latinoamerica, production by Abebe Produções and Support by Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do DF. Brasilia, DF. 2020. Audiovisual.
Approximate audience: 379 views (until 07/15/21)

O pequeno vendedor de balinhas (The Candy Street Kid©) and Bastidores de O pequeno vendedor de balinhas (Making of The Candy Street Kid©) by invitation of the International Meeting Boca do Céu nas Nuvens

Date: November 2020 (available online)
Link: O Pequeno Vendedor de Balinhas (The Candy Street Kid©)
Invitation: Boca do Céuns Nuvens International Meeting
Approximate audience: 651 views (as of 7/15/21)


With Jorge Marinho
1st 2h workshop given online for the Projeto de Extensão e Ação Contínua Vou te Contar - Contadores de Histórias from the Department of Performing Arts at UnB.
Date: 10/14/2020
Approximate audience: 50 people


With Jorge Marinho
Link: How to tell a tale with a camera?
Date: from 12/11 to 10/12, 2020
Participants registered: 11

Project "Encantando com histórias às terças" (Enchanting with stories on Tuesdays) at the Taguatinga Regional School

Jorge Marinho - Guest Storyteller.
Live on the Youtube channel of the R.E. of Taguatinga.
Realization: Regional Education of Taguatinga. 2020. Theatrical.
Date: 17/11/20
Approximate audience: 499 views (until 07/15/21)
Link: Encantando com histórias às terças - Jorge Marinho conta: A senhorinha e o lobo mau (Enchanting with stories on Tuesdays - Jorge Marinho tells: The little lady and the big bad wolf)

Project Lives with Clown Bau - Yes! Idiomas Asa Norte School

With Pedro Lopesi
Dates and Themes:
06/19/2020 - Yes Magazine
Approximate audience: 74 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Yes Magazine - with Baú! (Instagram)
06/26/2020 - Dragons
Approximate audience: 82 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Dragons! (Instagram)
07/03/2020 - Do you wonder about rain
Approximate audience: 66 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Do you wonder about rain (Instagram)
07/10/2020 - Predicciones de Samira
Approximate audience: 99 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Predicciones de Samira (Instagram)
07/31/2020 - The Dragon in the Closet
Approximate audience: 75 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: The Dragon in the Closet (Instagram)
07/08/2020 - Pinocchio and Gepetto (Father's day)
Approximate audience: 25 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Pinocchio and Gepetto (Father's day) (Instagram)
08/14/2020 - Nature
Approximate audience: 70 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Nature (Instagram)
08/21/2020 - Nature 2
Approximate audience: 84 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Nature 2 (Instagram)
28/08/2020 - Big and small cats
Approximate audience: 86 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Big and Small Cats (Instagram)
11/09/2020 - The Hero Maui
Approximate audience: 85 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: The Hero Maui (Instagram)
09/18/2020 - Japan
Approximate audience: 92 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Japan! (Instagram)
09/25/2020 - Dinosaurs
Approximate audience: 48 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Dinosaurs! (Instagram)
02/10/2020 - Holidays
Approximate audience: 76 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Holidays! (Instagram)
10/16/2020 - Macbeth
Approximate audience: 62 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Macbeth! (Instagram)
10/23/2020 - Shakespeare
Approximate audience: 45 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Shakespeare! (Instagram)
10/30/2020 - Halloween
Approximate audience: 96 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Halloween! (Instagram)
06/11/2020 - Karate
Approximate audience: 41 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Karate! (Instagram)
11/13/2020 - American Symbols
Approximate audience: 55 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: American Symbols (Instagram)
11/20/20 - Canada
Approximate audience: 52 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Canada! (Instagram)
11/27/2020 - Thanksgiving
Approximate audience: 96 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Thanksgiving! (Instagram)
04/12/2020 - Magazine
Approximate audience: 32 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Magazine!
11/12/2020 - France
Approximate audience: 32 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: France (Instagram)
12/18/2020 - Christmas
Approximate audience: 73 views (as of 7/22/21)
Link: Christmas! (Instagram)

Laboratório Criação em Coletivo para a Cena
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro (UnB), Brasília - DF
Copyright ©Coletiva - Todos os direitos reservados.