
Poetic interventions on the Darcy Ribeiro Campus. Themes presented:
- Mother's love;
- Loving someone can only do good;
- Kinestesia with you;
- Quinestesia with you II;
- And I who only wanted to love and be loved;
- Love: what clowning is this?;
- Clown Alvaro and the occupations of UnB;
- Clown Bau and children's day;
- Clown Bau and popular beliefs.

Place: BSAN and University Restaurant, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, UnB.
Date: May to November 2017

Intercultural Collective Creative Exercises Artistic Residency

1st stage of exchange of creative exercises in collective. Collaboration between Coletiva Teatro and Texas State University.
Place: University of Brasilia
Date: 06/25 to 07/08/17
Support: UnB

Viewpoints Intensive Workshop for Contemporary Theatre

With director and Texas State University professor Michael Rau. 25th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Location: Room BSS-59, CEN-UnB.
Date: 06/26/17

Workshop “Devised Project Workshop”

With actress and Texas State University professor Lauren Lane. 26th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Location: Room B1-59, CEN-UnB.
Date: 06/27/17

Lecture “Directing in the Digital Age: A Framework for Mixed-Reality Experiences”

Lecture with director and Texas State University professor Michael Rau. 25th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Place: Auditorium of the Institute of Arts at UnB.
Date: 28/06/17

Lecture “A Conversation with Lauren Lane”

Lecture with actress and Texas State University professor Lauren Lane. 26th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Place: Auditorium of the Institute of Arts at UnB.
Date: 06/29/17

Storytelling at Yes! Idiomas' Halloween event

Halloween storytelling for children, with Jorge Marinho.
Place: Yes! Idiomas Asa Norte
Date: 10/27/17

Lecture “Freeze: Fight, Flight or Fidget”

"Freeze: Fight, Run or Restless," with North American actor and clown Avner Eisenberg. 34th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Place: Helena Barcelos Theater
Date: 11/06/17
Support: UnB

Workshop “Introduction to Exccentric Performing”

Introduction to Eccentric Performance, with the North American actor and clown Avner Eisenberg. 34th Edition of Encounters for the Scene: "aPós Explorações".
Location: Helena Barcelos Theater, CEN-UnB
Date: 11/06/17
Support: UnB

Participation in the cultural event Bibliopizza

Storytelling for adults with Jorge Marinho.
Place: Library of EQS 108/308
Date: 11/09/17

23rd UnB Scientific Initiation Congress and 14th Scientific Initiation Congress of the Federal District

Presentation of the following Scientific Initiation Project results:
- Vulnerability in the Scene Making Process in Collective Creation. 2017.
Author: Alexandre da Silva Batista. Work nominated for the CI Highlight Award, being chosen as Honorable Mention.
- Porosity as a Technical Element of the Actor in Collective Creation. 2017.
Author: Jorge Renan Mendes Marinho. Work nominated for the IC Highlight Award, being chosen as Honorable Mention.
- The Use of Vulnerability as a Tool in the Creation in Collective in Front of the Audience. 2017.
Author: Pedro Henrique Silva Lopes.
Place: Darcy Ribeiro Campus, University of Brasilia.
Date: 11/20/17
Link: http://proic.unb.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=612:congresso-de-iniciacao-cientifica-2017&catid=152:publicacoes&Itemid=419

Laboratório Criação em Coletivo para a Cena
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro (UnB), Brasília - DF
Copyright ©Coletiva Teatro. Todos os direitos reservados.